Wentao Liu
Today, 13: 57
Hi there 👋,
I'm Wentao,
a full stack developer with a front-end focus.
Today, 14: 02
From the front-end to the back-end, I am passionate about all aspects of programming.
I am dedicated to helping businesses and organisations achieve their goals through the power of programming.
Currently, I work at Endeavour Group as a Frontend Engineer,
building Dan Murphy's and BWS websites.
Today, 14: 05
In my professional capacity as a developer, I primarily use TypeScript, Kotlin and Java.
But I also have a personal interest in exploring a wider range of technologies through side projects in my spare time.
You can view a selection of my open-source projects on my Github account
Occasionally I write up blog posts discussing noteworthy projects or concepts that I have been engaged with.
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I'm currently located in Melbourne, Australia .
You can contact me by email, I'll try my best to get back to you!
My Gmail username is liuwnt.
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You may also find me on LinkedIn
Today, 14: 17
Let's keep in touch!